We value our grantees, their passion and commitment to the humanities and our city.
This page is designed to provide additional resources and information to current grantees.
Grant Portal
All grantees can use this link below to access our Grant Portal.
Please log in to your grant portal account using the button at the left. If you have forgotten your password, click the “Forgot Your Password?” link at the grant portal login page. Contact grants@humanitiesdc.org if you have any questions about accessing your grant account.
Grantee Resources
For details around reporting dates and requirements, please refer to your original award acceptance form, which was signed via DocuSign. You can also refer to the RFPs, which are available from the Grant Opportunities page
- 2024 Grant Conditions + Addendum for Individuals
- Communications Guidelines for Grantees
- New Grantee Orientation Recordings
- Budget-to-Actuals table for tracking spending
- Budget-to-Actuals table for DCOHC Grantees
- Itemized expense table for tracking expenses
- Timesheet for individual grantees
- Timesheet for individuals for DCOHC Grantees
- Humanities Scholar evaluation form
- Photo License and Release Form
Promotion of Upcoming Grantee Events
We are always eager to learn about and help promote grantees’ upcoming events and public programs, especially those funded by HumanitiesDC. Please fill out the form below, at least three weeks before your event, and it will be reviewed and potentially added to the HumanitiesDC website calendar, bi-weekly e-newsletter and/or social media platforms.

Logos & Communication guidelines
We ask that grantees credit HumanitiesDC when advertising a HumanitiesDC-funded event, project or program. This helps us spread the word about our grant programs to larger audiences and to raise the support we need to continue this work.
Including HumanitiesDC Logos:

Preferred Logo
(Full Color)

Secondary Logo
(All White)

Secondary Logo
(All Black)
Please do not modify our logo in any way or try to redraw/recreate it out of type. If the options above do not meet your needs or you need a different color, reach out to grants@humanitiesdc.org.
Credit Lines:
Grantees should provide an acknowledgement or credit line on all websites and printed materials related to the grant. Sample credit lines:
“This program has been funded in part by a grant from HumanitiesDC”
“…with the support of HumanitiesDC”
Note: Recipients of The DC Oral History Collaborative related grants should credit The DC Oral History Collaborative, a partnership between HumanitiesDC and DC Public Libraries.

HumanitiesDC Available MultiPurpose Space
HumanitesDC’s office is located on 1804 T Street NW and is situated near the Dupont Circle metro, multiple bus lines and several restaurants. It also has four private parking spaces. We offer our conference room and breakout rooms, at no charge to current and past grantees looking for space to host a board meeting, staff retreats, community conversations, small literary readings and other organizational or programmatic gatherings. The space is most available during evenings and weekends but may be accessible some weekdays. To make an inquiry about our office space please contact us at info@humanitiesdc.org.