Meet the Staff at HumanitiesDC
Jasper Collier Senior Manager, DC Oral History Collaborative jcollier [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Carolina Fuentes District Fellow, DC Oral History Collaborative cfuentes [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Leah Gage Manager, Community Grants lgage [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Ashley Gunter Public Programs Coordinator agunter [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Gabriella Jones Coordinator, Communications gjones [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Rebecca Joseph Director of Development rjoseph [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Lois Nembhard Director of Grantmaking + Programs lnembhard [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Rebecca Lemos Otero Executive Director rlemosotero [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Karen Oliver Director of Operations koliver [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Nicole Schenkman Coordinator, Administrative nschenkman [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Hillary Steen Manager, Community Grants hsteen [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
Jimmy Watkins Coordinator, Public Programs jwatkins [at] humanitiesdc [dot] org
About Our Board
Our Board of Directors is a dedicated group of DC residents from across the city. With their diverse educational, business, government, civic, and cultural experiences and connections they support HumanitiesDC’s staff and contribute to the governance and accountability of our organization.
We welcome suggested nominations to the board. If interested in learning more please send an email, including a short bio and resume to Rebecca Lemos Otero.